Chevelle is a top class 7 year old gelding by Capistrano, out of Eichenhof’s matriarch brood mare by Gralshüter. Foaled, handled and trained all in house at Eichenhof— this horse is in the family. Both Chevelle’s mother and 2 brothers jumped th...
Chevelle is a top class 7 year old gelding by Capistrano, out of Eichenhof’s matriarch brood mare by Gralshüter. Foaled, handled and trained all in house at Eichenhof— this horse is in the family. Both Chevelle’s mother and 2 brothers jumped the 1.50 m international classes under the same rider who started him. With 3 balanced, comfortable gates and scope to match, this young horse will be one to watch.
Congratulations to Chevelle’s new junior rider on the acquisition of this fabulous horse! Already competitive results in the 1.30 classes
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